10. ROS Subscribers
Now that you've written Arm Mover, you have gained an understanding of custom message generation, publishing to a topic, ROS services, parameters, and launch files. Before you are ready to write code, you'll still need to learn to use ROS Subscribers.
ROS Subscribers
A Subscriber enables your node to read messages from a topic, allowing useful data to be streamed into the node. In Python, ROS subscribers frequently have the following format, although other parameters and arguments are possible:
sub1 = rospy.Subscriber("/topic_name", message_type, callback_function)
indicates which topic the Subscriber should listen to.
is the type of message being published on
is the name of the function that should be called with each incoming message. Each time a message is received, it is passed as an argument to
. Typically, this function is defined in your node to perform a useful action with the incoming data. Note that unlike service handler functions, the
is not required to return anything.
For more information about subscribers, see
the documentation here
. Let's move on to the
node so you can see subscribers in action!
Subscriber quiz
- A node for an autonomous vehicle that implements pedestrian detection using camera data.
- A controller node for a lunar rover which implements the actuation of the throttle and brake given target velocities as input.